
Our Location Expert Paco Commes discovered the Set of the Steven Spielberg Movie
"Empire of the Sun" near Trebujena (Cadiz) and made some great Photos.
He tried to visit the Set during filming but a local Sheriff stopped him. 
A year later (1988) he was able to see the remains of the "Empire" Set.
Thanks Paco! Capt.Douglas, 2009
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Empire of the Sun
Empire of the Sun Set, 1987
It was impossible to get closer to the set in 1987 (Security)  
A large tower in the spanish plain.
Christian Bale (Jamie)
Spielberg Set June 1988
In June 1988 Paco had the chance to see the remains of the Set.

US Stills

Christian Bale - Steven Spielberg - John Malkovich

